
# Step 1.1  
USconus = USAboundaries::us_counties() %>%
  filter(!state_name %in% c("Puerto Rico", "Alaska", "Hawaii")) %>%

USconus_simp = ms_simplify(USconus, keep = 0.1)
conusnpts = mapview::npts(USconus)
simpnpts = mapview::npts(USconus_simp)

# Step 1.2 
county_centroid = st_centroid(USconus_simp) %>%
  st_combine() %>%

# Step 1.3
# Voroni
voroni = st_voronoi(county_centroid) %>%
  st_cast() %>%
  st_as_sf %>%
  mutate(id = 1:n())

# Triangulated
triangulated = st_triangulate(county_centroid) %>%
  st_cast() %>%
  st_as_sf() %>%
  mutate(id = 1:n())

# Gridded Coverage
gridded = st_make_grid(USconus_simp, n = c(70, 50)) %>%
  st_as_sf() %>%
  st_cast() %>%
  mutate(id = 1:n())

# Hexagonal Coverage
hexagonal = st_make_grid(USconus_simp, n = c(70, 50), square = FALSE) %>%
  st_as_sf() %>%
  st_cast() %>%
  mutate(id = 1:n())

# Step 1.6 
plot = function(data, title){
    ggplot() + 
    geom_sf(data = data, fill = "white", col = "navy", size = .2) +   
    theme_void() +
    labs(title = title, caption = paste(nrow(data), "tiles" ))}

# Original
plot (data = USconus_simp, "Original")

# Voroni
voroni = st_intersection(voroni, st_union(USconus_simp))
plot (voroni, "Voronoi Tessellatione") +
geom_sf(data = county_centroid, col = "#50d0d0", size = 0.2)

# Triangulated
triangulated = st_intersection(triangulated, st_union(USconus_simp))
plot (triangulated, "Triangulated Tessellation") +
  geom_sf(data = county_centroid, col = "#50d0d0", size = 0.2)

# Gridded Coverage
plot (gridded, "Gridded Coverage")

# Hexagonal Coverage
plot (hexagonal, "Hexagonal Coverage")

# Step 2.1 
sum_tess = function(data, title) {
  area = st_area(data) %>% 
  units::set_units("km^2") %>%
  tibble(title, length(data), mean(area), sd(area), sum(area)) 

# Step 2.2-3
tess_summary = bind_rows(
  sum_tess(USconus_simp, "Original"),
  sum_tess(voroni, "Voroni"),
  sum_tess(triangulated, "Triangulated"),
  sum_tess(gridded, "Gridded"),
  sum_tess(hexagonal, "Hexagonal"))

# Step 2.4
  caption = "2 tessellations, 2 coverages, and the raw counties", 
  col.names = c("Type","Number","Mean Area (km^2)","Standard Deviation(km^2)","Total Area(km^2)"),
  format.args = list(big.mark = ","))
2 tessellations, 2 coverages, and the raw counties
Type Number Mean Area (km^2) Standard Deviation(km^2) Total Area(km^2)
Original 13 2,544.291 3,416.761 7,828,785
Voroni 2 2,544.291 2,891.420 7,828,785
Triangulated 2 1,262.843 1,576.897 7,746,281
Gridded 2 3,805.073 0.000 8,523,363
Hexagonal 2 3,763.052 0.000 8,530,839
# Step 2.5
# Among the different types, we can see that Voroni is most similar to Original counties and they have the same number of files, same space of mean area and total area. The square grid and hexagon tessellations have standard deviation areas of zero and this is because all of the files of each type of maps are same. I think it is good to use Voroni or Triangulated type for regional research like state level analysis of population density while Gridded and Hexagonal coverages can serve for national research like average land occupation of people in the whole country.
# Step 3.1 
dam = read_xlsx("data/NID2019_U.xlsx") %>% 
  filter(!, ! %>%
  st_as_sf(coords = c("LONGITUDE", "LATITUDE"), crs = 4326) %>%
  st_transform(5070) %>%

# Step 3.2
point_in_polygon = function(points, polygon, id){
  st_join(polygon, points) %>%
  st_drop_geometry() %>%
  count(.data[[id]]) %>%
  setNames(c(id, "n")) %>%
  left_join(polygon, by = id) %>%

# Step 3.4
plot2 = function(data, title){
  ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = data, aes(fill = n), col = NA, alpha = .9, size = .2) +
  scale_fill_viridis_c() +
  theme_void() +
  labs(title = title, caption = paste0(sum(data$n), " dams represented" )) +
  theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5, color =  "navy", face = "bold"))

# Step 3.3/3.5
# Original
point_in_polygon(dam, USconus_simp, "geoid") %>% 
  plot2("Dams County")

# Voroni
point_in_polygon(dam, voroni, "id") %>% 
  plot2("Dams Voroni")

# Triangulated
point_in_polygon(dam, triangulated, "id") %>% 
  plot2("Dams Triangulated")

# Gridded
point_in_polygon(dam, gridded, "id") %>% 
  plot2("Dams Gridded")

# Hexagonal
point_in_polygon(dam, hexagonal, "id") %>% 
  plot2("Dams Hexagonal")

# Step 3.6
# This relates to the MAUP problem because it shows a source of statistical bias can significantly impact the results of statistical hypothesis tests in point-based studies. I will use the voroni tessellation because I think it matches the original pattern best to be most accurate describing the waters.
# Question 4
# Step 4.1
Irrigation_dams = dam %>% #Choice 1
  filter(grepl("I", PURPOSES))
FloodControl_dams = dam %>% #Choice 2
  filter(grepl("C", PURPOSES))
WaterSupply_dams = dam %>% #Choice 3
  filter(grepl("S", PURPOSES))
FishandWildlife_dams = dam %>% #Choice 4
  filter(grepl("F", PURPOSES))

# Step 4.2
# 1-Irrigation Dams
point_in_polygon(Irrigation_dams, voroni, "id") %>% 
  plot2("Irrigation Dams") +
  gghighlight(n > (mean(n) + sd(n)))

# 2-Flood Control Dams
point_in_polygon(FloodControl_dams, voroni, "id") %>% 
  plot2("Flood Control Dams") +
  gghighlight(n > (mean(n) + sd(n)))

# 3-Water Supply Dams
point_in_polygon(WaterSupply_dams, voroni, "id") %>% 
  plot2("Water Supply Dams") +
  gghighlight(n > (mean(n) + sd(n)))

# 4-Fish and Wildlife Dams
point_in_polygon(FishandWildlife_dams, voroni, "id") %>% 
  plot2("Fish and Wildlife Dams") +
  gghighlight(n > (mean(n) + sd(n)))

#Step 4.3
# I think the dams I choose and shown on the map really make senses. For example, the water supply dams are just near to the well-known water sources and coastal line. I do not think the tessellation I chose impact my findings a lot, but it really makes the findings easier and clearer.
# Extra Credit
MSSP = read_sf("data/majorrivers_0_0") %>% 
  filter(SYSTEM == "Mississippi") %>%

MaxRisk = dam %>% 
  filter(HAZARD == "H", 
         grepl("C", PURPOSES)) %>%
  group_by(STATE) %>%
  slice_max(NID_STORAGE) %>%

leaflet() %>% 
  addProviderTiles(providers$CartoDB) %>% 
  addPolylines(data = MSSP) %>% 
  addCircleMarkers(data = MaxRisk, 
                   fillOpacity = .5, 
                   radius = ~NID_STORAGE/1500000, 
                   color = "red", 
                   stroke = FALSE,  
                   popup = leafpop::popupTable(st_drop_geometry(MaxRisk), 
                  = FALSE, 
                           row.number = FALSE))